The Five Traits I Look For When Hiring


Regardless of experience, these are the five traits I look for in potential employees.

Hiring is hard. It’s a stressful process where you’re trying to find a good fit, both personally and technically, all in a few short hours. Over the last five years I’ve hired numerous developers and while they haven’t all worked out, I’ve been very fortunate to have been able to work with some excellent people.

In every case, as I’m sitting across from them in the interview, I focus on trying to see if the candidate exhibits the following five traits.


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Don’t Ghost Me, Bro 🚫👻


During my recent 3 month job search, one of the most frustrating parts of the interview process I ran into was being ghosted by companies. Unfamiliar with the term? Urban Dictionary defines “Ghost” as:

“To avoid someone until they get the picture and stop contacting you.

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Consider the Bootcamp Grad


Hackbright Academy December 2016 Ada Cohort Graduates.

“Diversity” has been a popular buzzword these days when it comes to hiring engineers. We often hear about the need and desire to hire more women, more people of color, more people with “non-traditional” backgrounds who can help think creatively and give new insight to the industry. Here are two example candidates for you:

Sex: Male

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Culture Club: Interviewing for Cultural Fit


Get Shift Done: Management

Image source: WOCinTech Chat on Flickr

Over the years, my really good teams have by and large been pretty strange. Not in a bad way, but in a way where every person on the team was an individual, and yet worked together as a single unit.

Each team had a unique culture, and the last thing I wanted to do was bring in a new person that would throw that dynamic out the window.

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When Is It Time To Hire a Recruiter?


Get Shift Done: Management

It’s a decision every business has to make: Should you bring in a recruiter to help you find job candidates, or do it yourself? There’s no single answer that is right for everyone. Let’s assume, though, that you’re charged with building a development or technical staff for a new project or company. What special issues have an impact on your decision on hiring your staff?

When you hire for professional positions, you’ll likely hear the siren call of professional employment recruiters, especially if those positions are in areas of high demand with a limited candidate pool. You can turn over large pieces of the hiring process to the recruiter, and step in for interviews of the most qualified candidates. Of course, in return for this help, you also turn over a significant percentage of the new employee’s first-year salary.

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The Secret Connection Between Applicant Tracking Systems and Company Size


Get Shift Done: Management

GSD SaaS Insights From Siftery Data

Photo credit: Elizabeth M on Flickr

If you’re wondering which applicant tracking system (ATS) to use in your recruiting efforts, you might want to start by measuring the size of your company.

Based on the latest numbers from our friends over at Siftery, the customer base of the top three recruiting and ATS solutions fall into one of three categories: large, small and medium respectively.

iCIMS Carries the Big Boys

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