Confidence, Mentors, and Harassment: The Challenges of Being a Woman in Tech


With men comprising a high percentage of those in the tech space, it can be difficult as a woman trying to compete. Tech giants like Google, Microsoft and Twitter have extremely low numbers of women in their tech roles, and Uber just added their dismal data to the mix. In 2015, women in tech roles at these companies were only 16.6 percent at Microsoft, 10 percent at Twitter and 17 percent at Google. When you look at the numbers in executive leadership roles (not just in tech), only 23 percent of Microsoft’s leadership roles are filled by women, 21 percent at Twitter and 21 percent at Google.

Previously, I wrote about the “Highs and Lows of Women in Tech” to highlight some of the challenges women face in the industry. With thousands of shares, comments and likes, it was clear that it hit a cord in the tech space by highlighting the fact that there is still a lot of work to be done in the industry. As a follow-up to that piece, this covers the major challenges that women face in tech and avenues and advice from experts to address and potentially overcome those challenges.

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