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We’re Building A New Consumption Model. And It Starts At The Beginning: Babies.

Babies and children are most vulnerable to our current consumption model. They’re also the key to building a better one.

UpChoose picture

In my previous post, I explained why our consumption model is broken, and how we can build a new one. If you haven’t read it, here’s a quick summary (or watch the short video below):

  1. Our consumption model is hurting our environment, our physical and mental health. We’re over-using natural resources, exposing children to toxic products, and creating too much waste. This is unsustainable.
  2. A big part of the problem is ingrained in the fabric of our lifestyle. The changes needed go beyond what products we choose. We need to redesign our behaviors: Why and how we consume.
  3. We can evolve to a new, higher form of consumption. When we do that, we create endless opportunities to re-imagine and improve our lives.

Re-Designing Consumption

We have to come up with new ways to provide everyday products and services. These new ways should solve the challenges we face:

But that’s only half the solution. To succeed, these alternatives need to offer a significantly superior value proposition. That means a service that people can afford and be excited about.

Keys To Changing Consumption Patterns

Consumption patterns are both simple and complex. Simple, because it’s in part driven by common sense. We want things. We have cravings. We like it better when it’s quick and easy. We usually prefer to spend less than more. We don’t like to feel guilty. We care about our family and close friends first. We only have one life, and we want to enjoy it as much as we can. It’s also complex because we don’t make decisions purely based on logic or common sense. Our biases trick our brain into choosing instant gratification over long-term rewards. We are influenced by our environment: what ads tell us, what our friends do, what food is offered at work.

We know we need to change the way we consume. But change is hard. We have to learn a new way. We have to develop new habits. Where do we start?

Let’s focus on three keys to changing behaviors:

  1. Identifying a good starting point: We need a catalyst, a strong reason to want to act now.
  2. Offering a compelling alternative: It’s much easier to replace an old behavior with a new one than just stopping it. We can’t simply tell people to “buy less”. We have to offer a better alternative.
  3. Designing for long-term adoption: We need this alternative to be great today, but also durable. It needs to evolve into new virtuous habits.

So, how do we do this?

Starting With Moments

Consumption is not a linear, uniform process. It is part of our lives. It reflects our journey and carries our memories. Our first car. Her favorite doll. The dress you wore that night.

Consumption happens as our lives unfold. It happens in moments. We get our first job and we buy a suit. We sign up to a gym and we go shop for sneakers. We move to a new place and we purchase new furniture. There are moments that come with high consumption, and others with none. Some moments lead to disposable purchases, others to precious gifts. The excess happens when consumption itself becomes a moment.

To re-design consumption, we start by identifying catalyst moments. As we go through life, we experience major events. Some are biological, like the birth of a child, becoming a grandparent or the onset of a chronic condition. Others are social, like getting married, starting a new job or moving to a new city. Changing consumption patterns is easiest when people go through a major life event. Because of that, these moments are our starting point.

Why We’re Starting With Babies

At UpChoose, we design pathways to a more thoughtful consumption model. We focus on major life events as stepping stones to adopting mindful consumption routines. We start with the beginnings: babies.

There are three reasons why we focus on this moment:

1. People are more open to change when they’re expecting a child. Parents want to make the right choices for their babies. That gives them a strong reason to question what they buy. They become more open to new alternatives. As Charles Duhigg notes in The Power of Habits (2012):

“ There’s almost no greatest upheaval for most customers than the arrival of a child. As a result, new parents’ habits are more flexible at that moment than at almost any other period in an adult’s life.”

2. Babies and children are the most vulnerable to toxic products. Scientists found toxic chemicals in most of our everyday products. For example, they found widespread use of hazardous chemicals in children clothing. Recent studies also highlighted the impact of pesticide exposure during pregnancy on children’s brain development. The impact is greater on children because their bodies and brains are still developing. Yet, healthful alternatives like organic clothing are not easy to find. When available, they are usually significantly more expensive and most people cannot afford them.

3. There is a lot of mindless consumption in the baby product market. Parents spend an average of $10,000 to $14,000 just on their baby’s first year. This is related to expenses like baby furniture, clothes, strollers, diapers, car seats, doctor’s visits, and daycare. In addition, moms often receive more gifts at their baby shower than they can handle. They end up donating what’s in excess, and what they don’t like. Because babies grow so fast, many products like clothes will only be used a few times. All this results in overspending, clutter, and waste. According to Dr. Susan Linn, a psychologist and expert on child consumerism:

“The messages given to new parents today are that if you don’t have the latest, most updated products, your baby won’t be safe and you won’t be a good parent.”

In short, there is both an opportunity and a responsibility to help parents transition to more mindful consumption practices.

How We Can Provide A Significantly Better Alternative

Expecting moms are one of the groups that are most targeted by consumer brands. From the moment you’re pregnant, marketers put you on their radar. They see you as the decision-maker for most household-related purchases. Shopping for a newborn is often confusing, if not insane. Thousands of baby products on the market create almost endless choices. Many of them are unnecessary. Take, for example, the emerging trend of luxury baby products. They reportedly accounted for $10.6 billion in sales in 2013.

It rapidly becomes overwhelming to know what food, clothing, diapers, toys or laundry soap is the right one. Parents don’t have time to do in-depth research and make well-informed choices on every single issue. Even after hours of googling and reading curated lists, they end up compromising.

Courtesy of Adbusters

We can offer alternatives that solve for joy, convenience, sustainability, and affordability. We need to make it easier for people to make the right choices.

To do that, we need to:

We can leverage technology to learn from a large amount of data what we really need in various situations. We can build platforms that connect families and make it much easier to share resources.

To see how it works in practice, take Cocoon, the sustainable and circular baby clothing solution we developed at UpChoose. Cocoon is a curated set of high-quality, organic baby clothing delivered to parents at each phase of their baby’s growth. When a baby outgrows a Cocoon, parents can re-sell it and order the next one new or pre-loved, at a discount from another family.

In the case of Cocoon, our aim is to make the transition to a better consumption model:

Our goal is to create a community of parents who are getting products they love while saving money, reducing clutter and waste at the same time.

Transitioning to a sustainable consumption model (UpChoose picture)

From Major Life Event To Everyday Life

To accelerate the transition to sustainable consumption, it’s important that we figure out how to change consumption patterns. We can do it by focusing on major life events and offer better alternatives. However, if this does not sustain over time, it will not be enough.

As we spoke with hundreds of moms in the past year, something kept coming up. They want the best for their children. Even if it’s complicated and expensive, many will go the extra mile to make the best choice possible. They research topics like nutrition or hazardous chemicals. They spend extra money to get products with the right labels or certification. But, after a few months, “reality kicks in”. Often because of cost, they start compromising.

This is why it’s so important that the solutions we build are designed to last. What really matters is to create lasting change. To go from a major life event to everyday life. To achieve that, we have to create the right incentives for customers and for providers.

In the case of Cocoon, our solution covers at least the first 3 years of life:

So, to sum up, we see the transition to a sustainable consumption through:

Turns out the future may depend as much on our ability to effectively reuse rockets than your baby’s onesies.

Ali is the Founder and CEO of UpChoose PBC, a startup on a mission to activate consumers’ role in transitioning to a sustainable future.

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