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Thoughts on Medium

NewCo and I are very invested in Medium — we very much want it to thrive. Here are a few suggestions that might make it better.

I know, they don’t use this one anymore. But it’s what I think of anyway, and works better on the home page. So there.

Over the years I’ve had an increasingly deep relationship with Medium. In the past 18 months, the relationship has become more of a marriage. The publication I started, NewCo Shift, lives there. I even consulted with Medium, briefly, earlier this year, so yes, I do own shares. I’m invested. I’ve pretty much migrated any of my “new” writing to Shift on Medium, leaving my careworn site Searchblog to slowly rot into the fecund soil of the independent web.

I trust the 5,600 or so posts I poured into Searchblog will persist, as long as I pay my hosting fees (and they’re steep, damn it). Can I say the same of the 250 or so pieces I’ve recently written on Medium (I think this one is #251, in fact)? Or of the thousand+ or so we’ve run on Shift? I don’t know, but I’m now invested in the platform’s continuance. With that in mind, here are a few, randomly organized ideas that I think would make the place better.

OK, onwards. Again, no particular order.

Well, that’s ten. What are your suggestions? I’ll add them into the main body of this piece if they strike me as brilliant (or appropriately provocative). Till then…well, keep on writing.

Update: Ideas from readers (I’ll keep adding as long as you keep responding!):

LINDA CAROLL: “We need better stats here.We can see referrers for any given story, but that’s it. I logged into Medium one day after a 2-week break and noticed I had over 7000 visitors that day. No idea where they came from. No spikes on any of the most recent stories.”

JLELSE: “IMO a big problem of Medium is also, that the whole platform is too focused to US-content. As a German user you have to accept that the feed is full of Donald Trump and American politics, which is of no interest to me personally.”

NELSON LOWHIM: Blockchain (yes!).

LESLIE LOFTIS: “Medium chooses poorly. It seems to choose what it wants me to see rather than what my reading habits suggest I’d like to see. It also does not differentiate between articles and comments making it difficult to see content for comment clutter in the main feeds. …The way I used to use Medium to discover other writers I can no longer do unless I have a larger chunk of time. Publications that I regularly read and liked I have to go searching for.”

ROB QUARTEL: “To your earlier point about adding an “All” option, I’d suggest a variation aimed at breaking down the silos which so characterize individual media feeds and personal associations these days: Find a way to send randomly selected articles that reflect a different or countervailing point of view from that generated by the current selection algorithms — which are built to reinforce individual biases. It doesn’t have to be about politics — it can be about topics as far afield as agriculture, GMO’s, etc.”

GUILLERMO NAVAJA: “Medium membership’s pricing model should have a different price according to the country, like Spotify’s ( Also, Medium should be more open with global stats of user the size of the user community (anonymous, registered and paying) in each country. That way, a publisher can know the size of the target community.”

EMILY WARNA: “I’d say some sort of direct messaging system — doesn’t have to be as open as Twitter/Instagram, but useful for when having questions that wouldn’t fit into a typical response.”

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