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Can We Legislate Political Speech Online?

Policymakers from both sides of the aisle are looking into it. But how would it work?


Last Wednesday I described the tech industry as “curled around a bottle of gin,” and since then, things have only gotten worse. Facebook has since been served with a warrant (as I’ve written for months, its data centers were always destined to be the center of Mueller’s investigation), and the press smells blood in the water.

Now Congress is officially looking at legislation to curb political advertising on the Internet, Axios reports. But as much as lawmakers may want to snap their fingers and transform the graywaters of the web into transparent, well lit town squares, translating FEC regulations from offline media to the complexities of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google is going to require deft policymaking. And given our current administration was arguably put in place by a lack of such regulation, let’s just say it’s going to be quite a lift to get anything done. Here’s why:

I think longtime readers will know how I come down on these questions. Sure, regulating political advertising on the internet is complex, even arduous. But to my mind there’s simply not an excuse for our lawmakers to put our right to know ahead of the clear and present danger our system of democracy faces from the unregulated nature of our current communications infrastructure. Hard work? Sure. But not impossible, and far too important to ignore.

Meanwhile, Russia Leverages the First Amendment To Win the InfoWars

“But RT and Sputnik operate on the stated terms of Western liberal democracy; they count themselves as news organizations, protected by the First Amendment and the libertarian ethos of the internet.”

The Times goes deep in a profile of RT, the “Russian CNN” behind many a dust up in the ongoing information wars between western democracy and whatever it Russia calls its current ideology. While the profile focuses on RT’s broadcast platform, what I found fascinating is how little RT cares about ratings. What’s most important is that RT is considered a “journalistic operation” by most western distribution outlets — and it’s that mantle that gives it cover to conduct sophisticated propaganda operations.

And Big Food Gets Called Out For Embracing Growth Over Public Health

“What we have is a war between two food systems, a traditional diet of real food once produced by the farmers around you and the producers of ultra-processed food designed to be over-consumed and which in some cases are addictive.”

Time and time again, this publication urges businesses large and small to put their customers and community before profits and Wall St. Sometimes it’s easier to simply give you yet another example of fine reporting that delivers that message through story telling and fact. Here’s the New York Times again, this time on how global processed food companies have massively shifted their focus toward developing countries, sparking a global health crisis along the way. Entire economies and ways of life have been transformed as a result — once undernourished populations now suffer from obesity epidemics and related disease like Type 2 Diabetes. It’s a depressing narrative. And if the Nestlés, Unilevers, and PepsiCos of the world want to change it, they will have to buck Wall St. to do so. Four million premature deaths and counting demand that they do.

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