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Managing Remote Workers is Different — Not!

Get Shift Done: Management


Consider this: by 2020, half of all people may be working remotely, a dramatic shift that will affect both NewCos and BigCos alike.

While employees everywhere may cheer, this statistic is likely less appealing to managers who worry that they’ll need to learn a whole new set of skills.

To them, I bring this message from the Harvard Business Review:

One of the biggest misconceptions about managing remote workers is that it requires an entirely different skillset.

That’s right — the skills you use to manage workers in the office today are just as relevant in the remote workplace of the future. While the tools may differ, the principals will remain the same:

Yes, the remote workplace has arrived, but it does not signal the obsolescence of current managerial skills. As the old saying goes, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

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